Scientific Papers by Alan E. Beer
Pioneering Research in Reproductive Immunology

- Beer A.E.: Notes from Nigeria. Various articles in New Physician, Lay Press, and CMS Journal, 1962.
- Dennison A.D. and Beer A.E.: Ventricular aneurysms and their surgical treatment. J. Indiana Med. Assoc. 56:566-577, 1963.
- Wallach E.E., Beer A.E. and Garcia C.R.: Patient acceptance of oral contraceptives. I. The American Indian. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 97:984-991, 1967.
- Beer, A.E.: Ortho Pharmaceutical Company. Results of clinical trials of RhoGam in women – a combined study. Transfusion 8:151, 1968. Philadelphia
- Beer A.E.: Fetal erythrocytes in maternal circulation in 155 Rh negative women. Obstet. Gynecol. 34:143-150, 1969.
- Beer A.E. and Billingham R.E.: Implantation, Transplantation and epithelial mesenchymal relationships in the rat uterus. J. Exp. Med. 132:721-736, 1970.
- Beer A.E.: Differential diagnosis and clinical analysis of dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Clin. Obstet. Gynecol. 13:434-450, 1970.
- Beer A.E. and Billingham R.E.: Transplantation immunity and pregnancy: Influence of the immunological status of the mother on subsequent reactivity of offspring to skin homografts. Proceedings of the Sixth World Congress of Obstetrics & Gynecology, p. 134-135, 1970.
- Beer A.E., Billingham R.E. and Hoerr R.A.: Elicitation and expression of transplantation immunity in the uterus. Transpl. Proc. 3:609-611, 1971.
- Beer A.E. and Billingham R.E.: Immunobiology of mammalian reproduction. Adv. Immunol. 14:83, 1971.
- Mastroianni L. and Beer A.E.: Adverse effects of fertilization, early embryogenesis and implantation. Symposium on Functional Pathology of the Fetus and Neonate. H. Abramson (ed.), C.V. Mosby & Co., St. Louis, p.10-23
- Beer, A.E. and Billingham R. E.: Concerning the uterus as a graft site and the fetus as a natural parabiotic organismic homograft. In: Ontogeny of Acquired Immunity, a Ciba Symposium, Elsevier Excerpta Medica, North Holland, Amsterdam, p. 149-174, 1971.
- Beer A.E., Billingham R.E. and Yang S.L.: Maternally induced transplantation immunity, tolerance and runt disease in rats. J. Exp. Med. 135:808-816, 1972
- Beer A.E., Billingham R.E. and Yang S.L.: Further evidence concerning the autoantigenic status of the trophoblast. J. Exp. Med. 135:1177-1184, 1972.
- Azab I., Okamura H. and Beer A.E.: Decidual cell production of human placental fibrinoid. Obstet. Gynecol. 40:186-193, 1972.
- Beer A.E. and Billingham R.E.: In vivo approaches to analysis of the conservation of epidermal specificities. H.I. Maibach and D.T. Rovee, (eds.), Yearbook Medical Publishers, Chicago, 1972.
- Beer A.E. and Billingham R.E.: Fetuses as homografts: vulnerability of fetuses to maternal immunological attack. In: The Placenta; Biological and Clinical Aspects. Karman S. Moghissi and E.S.E. Hafez (eds.), 1972.
- Beer A.E. and Billingham R.E.: Maternally acquired runt disease. Science 179:240-243, 1973.
- Beer A.E. and Billingham R.E.: Procurement of runt disease of maternal origin. Transpl. Proc., 5:887-891, 1973.
- Scott J.R. and Beer A.E.: Immunological factors in first pregnancy Rh isoimmunization. Lancet, 1:717-718, 1973.
- Yang S.L., Okamura H. and Beer A.E.: The effect of estrogen on collagen synthesis at the site of a skin autograft. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 116:694-697, 1973.
- Scott J.R. and Beer A.E.: Reproductive immunology. In: Obstet. Gynecol. Annual, Wynn R., (ed.), Appleton Century Crofts, New York, 1974.
- Beer A.E., Billingham R.E. and Head J.R.: The immunologic significance of the mammary gland. J. Invest. Dermatol. 63:65-74, 1974.
- Beer A.E. and Billingham R.E.: Host responses to intrauterine tissue, cellular and fetal allografts. J. Reprod. Fertil. Suppl. 21:59-88, 1974.
- Beer A.E. and Billingham R.E.: Immunologic co-existence and the maternal fetal relationship. In: Modern Perinatal Medicine, Louis Gluck (ed.), Yearbook Medical Publishers, Chicago, p. 83-97, 1974.
- Beer A.E. and Billingham R.E.: Fetal-maternal incompatibility and its possible implications for disease. Fourth International Convocation on Immunology, Buffalo, New York. E. Neter and F. Milgrom (eds.), S. Karger, Basel, p. 33- 41,1974.
- Beer A.E. and Billingham R.E.: The embryo as a transplant. Scientific American. 230:36-46, 1974.
- Beer A.E., Billingham R.E. and Scott J.R.: Immunogenetic aspects of implantation, placentation and feto-placental growth rates. Biol. Reprod. 12:176- 189, 1975.
- Beer A.E., Billingham R.E. and Head J.R.: Natural transplantation of leukocytes during suckling. Transpl. Proc. 7:399-402, 1975.
- Head J.R., Beer A.E. and Gasic G.J.: Analysis of the abortifacient action of neuraminidase in mice. Transpl. Proc. 7:403-406, 1975.
- Beer A.E., Billingham R.E. and Head J.R.: Immunological benefits and hazards of milk in the maternal perinatal relationship. In: Ross Pediatric Symposium: Necrotizing Enterocolitis, 1975.
- Beer A.E.: Immunogenetic determinants of the size of the fetoplacental unit and their modus operandi. Europ. J. Obstet. Gynec. Reprod. Biol. 7:135-146, 1975.
- Beer A.E. and Billingham R.E.: Fetal-maternal interrelations. Transpl. Proc. 7:893-894, 1975.
- Beer A.E. and Billingham R.E.: Immunologic benefits and hazards of milk in maternal-perinatal relationships. Ann. Int. Med. 83:865-871, 1975.
- Beer A.E., Scott J.R. and Billingham R.E.: Histoincompatibility and maternal immunological status as determinants of fetoplacental weight and litter size in rodents. J. Exp. Med. 142:180-196, 1975.
- Scott J.R., Beer A.E. and Stastny P.: Immunogenetic factors in pre-eclampsia and eclampsia. J.A.M.A. 235:402-404, 1976.
- Scott J.R. and Beer A.E.: Immunologic aspects of pre-eclampsia. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 125:418-427, 1976.
- Beer A.E., Head J.R., Smith W.G. and Billingham R.E.: Some immunoregulatory aspects of pregnancy in rats. Transpl. Proc. 8:267-273, 1976.
- Parmely M.J., Beer A.E. and Billingham R.E.: In vitro studies on the T-lymphocyte population of human milk. J.Exp. Med. 144:358-370, 1976.
- Beer A.E. and Billingham R.E.: Immunobiology of mammalian reproduction (Book). In: Foundations of Immunology Series, Prentice Hall, p. 1-233, 1976.
- Head J.R., Beer A.E. and Billingham R.E.: Significance of the cellular component of the maternal immunologic endowment in milk. Transpl. Proc. 9:1465-1471, 1977.
- Scott J.R., Beer A.E., Guy R.L., Liesch M. and Elbert G.: Pathogenesis of Rh immunization in primigravidas. Feto-maternal versus materno-fetal bleeding. Obstet. Gynec. 49:9-14, 1977.
- Beer A.E. and Billingham R.E.: Histocompatibility gene polymorphisms and maternal-fetal relationships. Transpl. Proc. 9:1393-1401, 1977.
- Parmely M.J., Reath D.B., Beer A.E. and Billingham R.E.: Cellular immune responses of human milk T-lymphocytes to certain environmental antigens. Transpl. Proc. 9:1477-1483, 1977.
- Beer A.E., Billingham R.E., Head J.R. and Parmely M.J.: Possible influence of maternal-to-perinatal cell transfer on the development of host defenses. In: Ontogeny of Perinatal Host Defense Mechanisms. Cooper M.D. and Dayton D.H. (eds.), Raven Press, New York, p. 251-271, 1977.
- Parmely M.J. and Beer A.E.: Colostral cell-mediated immunity and the concept of a common secretory immune system. J. Dairy Sci., 60:655-665, 1977.
- Beer A.E. and Billingham R.E.: Concerning the origins and scope of the immunobiology of mammalian reproduction. Transpl. Proc. 9:1357-1361, 1977.
- Beer A.E. and Billingham R.E.: Immunology in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Proceedings VIII World Congress of Obstet. and Gynec., Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, 412:26-40,1978.
- Beer A.E. and Billingham R.E.: Immunoregulatory aspects of pregnancy, Fed. Proc., 10, 37:2374-2378, 1978.
- Head J.R., Hamilton M.S. and Beer A.E.: Maternal hamster immune responses to alloantigens of the fetus. Fed. Proc. 37:2054-2056, 1978.
- Beer A.E.: Possible immunological bases of preeclampsia eclampsia. Sem. Perinatol., 2:39-59, 1978.
- Seelig L.L. and Beer A.E.: Transepithelial migration of leukocytes in the mammary gland of lactating rats. Biol. Reprod., 18:736-744, 1978.
- Beer A.E. and Neaves W.B.: Antigenic status of semen from the viewpoints of the female and the male. Fertil. Steril. 29:3-22, 1978.
- Head J.R. and Beer A.E.: The immunologic role of viable leukocytic cells in mammary exosecretions. In: Lactation: A Comprehensive Treatise, Vol. 6, Larson B.L. and Smith V.R. (eds.), Academic Press, New York, p. 337-364,1978.
- Beer A.E. and Billingham R.E.: Two neglected factors in the etiology of breast cancer? Lancet p. 296,1978.
- Beer A.E. and Billingham R.E.: Maternal immunological recognition mechanisms during pregnancy. Ciba Foundation Symposium, Series 64:293-322, 1978.
- Beer A.E. and Billingham R.E.: Transplantation in nature, Perspect. Biol. Med., 22:155-169, 1978.
- Bush J.F. and Beer A.E.: Analysis of complement receptors on B-lymphocytes in human milk. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 133:708-712, 1978.
- Beer A.E.: The paradox of feto-placental units as allografts. In: Recent Advances in Reproduction and Regulation of Fertility, Talwar G.P. (ed), Elsevier North Holland Biomedical Press, p. 501-514, 1979.
- Beer A.E. and Grinnell F.: Disappearance of anionic sites from the surface of the rat endometrial endothelium at the time of blastocyst implantation. Biol. Reprod. 21:691-707, 1979.
- Hamilton M.S., Beer A.E., May R.D. and Vitetta E.S.: The influence of immunization of female mice with F9 teratocarcinoma cells on their reproductive performance. Transplant. Proc. 11:1069-1072, 1979.
- Meggs P.D. and Beer A.E.: In vitro stimulation of human colostral lymphocytes by cytomegalovirus. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 133: 703-707, 1979.
- Seelig L.L., Holt R.G. and Beer, A.E.: Cell Kinetics and transepithelial migration of leukocytes in rat mammary epithelium during pregnancy and lactation. In: The Immunology of Breast Milk, Dayton D.H.(ed.), Raven Press, 1979.
- Head J.R. and Beer A.E.: In vivo and in vitro assessment of the immunologic role of leukocytic cells in milk. In: Immunology of breast milk. New York, Raven Press, 1979.
- Beer A.E. and Billingham R.E.: Mechanisms of non-rejection of fetoplacental allografts. Folia Biol. 26: 243-255, 1980
- Beer A.E.: Human milk: nature’s vaccine. New Horizons in Obstetrics and Gynecology – A Colloquium, A.C.O.G. Annual Clinical Meeting, Reprinted by Schering, 1980.
- Sio J.O. and Beer A.E.: Maternal immunoregulation and the immunologically privileged status of the trophoblast. In: Immunological Aspects of Infertility and Fertility Regulation. G.F.B. Schumacher and D.S. Dhindsa (eds.), Elsevier/North Holland, p. 143-154, 1980.
- Beer A.E.: Immunology of reproduction and embryonic development. In: Immunology 80 – Progress in Immunology IV. Fougereau, M. and Dausset, J., (eds.), Academic Press, London, p. 1137-1145, 1980.
- Beer A.E. and Billingham R.E.: Immunology and the breast. Perinatol. Neonatol. 5:13-18, 1981.
- Seelig L.L. and Beer A.E.: Intraepithelial leukocytes in the human mammary gland. Biol Reprod. 24:1157-1163, 1981.
- Beer A.E., Gagnon M. and Quebbeman J.F.: Immunologically induced reproductive disorders. In: Endocrinology of Human Infertility: New Aspects, Proceedings of the Serono Clinical Colloquia on Reproduction 2. Crosignani, P.G. and Rubin, B.L., (eds.), Academic Press, London, p.419-439, 1981.
- Beer A.E., Quebbeman J.F., Ayers J.W.T. and Haines R.F.: Major histocompatibility complex antigens, maternal and paternal immune responses, and chronic habitual abortions in humans. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 141:987-999, 1981.
- Beer A.E. and Sio J.O.: Placenta as an immunological barrier. Biol. Reprod. 26:15-27, 1982.
- Tyson J.E., Edwards W.H., Rosenfeld A.M. and Beer A.E.: Collection methods and contamination of bank milk. Arch. Dis. Child. 57:396-398, 1982.
- Beer A.E., Quebbeman J.F. and Ayers J.W.T.: The immunobiology of abortion. Serono Symposium No. 45, Immunological Factors in Human Reproduction. Shulman S., Dondero F. and Nicotra M., (eds.), Academic Press, London, p. 189- 198, 1982.
- Beer A.E. and Quebbeman J.F.: The immunobiology and immunopathology of the maternal-fetal relationship. In: Physiopathology of Hypophysial Disturbances and Diseases of Reproduction. Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, p. 289-326, 1982.
- Beer A.E. and Quebbeman J.F.: Histocompatibility polymorphism and maternal immune responses in chronic habitual abortion. Presented at the 9th Rochester Trophoblastic Conference, Rochester, New York, 1982.
- Wible-Kant J. and Beer A.E.: Antepartum Rh immune globulin. Clin. Perinatol. 10:343-355, 1983.
- Tyson J.E., Lasky R.E., Mize C.E., Richards C.J., Blair-Smith-N., Whyte R. and Beer A.E.: Growth, metabolic response, and development in very low birth weight infants fed banked human milk or enriched formula. I. Neonatal findings. J. Pediatr. 103:95-104, 1983.
- Beer A.E., Quebbeman J.F., Semprini A.E., Smouse P.E. and Haines R.F.: Recurrent abortion: Analysis of the roles of parental sharing of histocompatibility antigens and maternal immunological responses to paternal antigens. In: Reproductive Immunology 1983, Isojima S. and Billington W.D. (eds.), Elsevier Science Publishers, p. 185-195, 1983.
- Beer A.E.: Immunopathologic factors contributing to recurrent spontaneous abortion in humans. Am. J. Reprod. Immunol. 4:182-184, 1983.
- Beer A.E. and Billingham R.E.: Reproductive immunology: past, present, and future. Perspect. Biol. Med. 27:259-275, 1984.
- Beer A.E.: How did your mother not reject you? Ann. Immunol. (Inst. Pasteur) 135 D:315-318, 1984.
- Campbell D.A., Larber M., Sweeton J.C., Turcotte J.G., Neiderhuber J.G. and Beer A.E.: Breast Feeding and Maternal Donor Related Renal Allografts: Possibly the Original Donor Specific Transfusion. Transpl. 37:340-344, 1984.
- Beer A.E., Quebbeman J.F., Semprini A.E., McGaw T.G. and Jijon A.: Survival and Rejection of the Fetal Allograft. Contr. Gynec. Obstet. 14:114-130, 1985.
- Ansbacher R. and Beer A.E.: Autoimmune phenomena and endometriosis. Obstet. Gynecol. 65:299-300, 1985.
- Beer A.E., Semprini A.E., Zhu X. and Quebbeman J.F.: Pregnancy Outcome in Human Couples With Recurrent Spontaneous Abortions: 1) HLA Antigen Profiles; 2) HLA Antigen Sharing; 3) Female Serum MLR Blocking Factors; and, 4) Paternal Leukocyte Immunization. Exp. Clin. Immunogenet. 2:137-153, 1985.
- Nair M.P.N., Schwartz S.A., Slade H.B., Johnson M.Z., Quebbeman J.F. and Beer A.E.: Comparison of the Cellular Cytotoxic Activities of Colostral Lymphocytes and Maternal Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes. J. Repro. Imm. Vol. 7, 1985.
- Beer A.E. and Need J.A.: Immunological Aspects of Preeclampsia/Eclampsia. The Patient Within the Patient: Problems in Perinatal Medicine. 21 No. 5: 131- 154, 1985, March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation.
- Menge A.C. and Beer A.E.: The significance of human leukocyte antigen profiles in human infertility, recurrent abortion, and pregnancy disorders. Fert. Steril. 43:693-695, 1985.
- Semprini A.E., Beer A.E.: Immunobiologia ed immunopatologia del rapporto materno-fetale. Prospettive in Pediatria 57:7-14, 1985.
- Beer A.E. and Semprini A.E.: Aborto abituale: immunologia ed immunoterapia. In: Prospecttive in Pediatria 57:15-23, 1985.
- Beer A.E. and Quebbeman J.F.: Mechanisms of survival and rejection of the fetal allograft. In: Mead Johnson Symposium on Perinatal and Developmental Medicine (Mono) #24, 1986.
- Beer A.E., Quebbeman J.F., Hamazaki Y. and Semprini A.E.: Pregnancy Outcome in Human Couples with Recurrent Spontaneous Abortions: The Role(s) of HLA Antigen Sharing, ABO Blood Group Antigen Profiles, Female Serum MLR Blocking Factors, Antisperm Antibodies and Immunotherapy. In: Gill, T.J. and Wegmann, T.G. (Eds) Immunoregulation and Fetal Survival 286 (N.Y. Oxford Univ. Press) 1986.
- Beer A.E., Quebbeman J.F. and Semprini A.E.: Immunopathological Factors Contributing to Recurrent Abortion. Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1986, in press.
- Beer A.E., Zhu X., Semprini A.E. and Quebbeman J.F. Pregnancy outcome in human couples with idiopathic recurrent abortions: the roles(s) of female serum, mixed lymphocyte culture blocking factors, potentiating factors, and local uterine immunity before and after paternal leukocyte immunization. In: Immunological Approaches to Contraception and Promotion of Fertility Edited by G.P. Talwar, Plenum Publishing 393-406, 1986.
- Beer A.E.: New Horizons in the Diagnosis, Evaluation and Therapy of Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion. In: Clinics in Obstetrics Gynecology John LaFerla (Ed.) W.B. Saunders Co., England, Vol. 13, No. 1, 115-124, March, 1986.
- Haas GG and Beer AE: Immunologic influences on reproductive biology: sperm gametogenesis and maturation in the male and female genital tracts. Fertil and Steril 46:753-766, 1986.
- Haas G.G. Jr., Kubota K., Quebbeman J.F., Jijon A., Menge A.C. and Beer A.E.: Circulating antisperm antibodies in recurrently aborting women. Fert. Steril. 43:209-215, 1986
- Beer A.E., Quebbeman J.F., Semprini A.E. and Zhu X.: The Association of Mixed Lymphocyte Reaction (MLR) Blocking Factors and Maternal Antipaternal Leukocytotoxic Antibodies With Pregnancy Outcome in Women With Recurrent Abortions Immunized With Paternal or Third Party Leukocytes. Trophoblast Research, 187-197, 1987.
- Beer AE, Quebbeman JF, Shekar S, and Zhu X: Immune abnormalities in couples with recurrent spontaneous abortions and the immunological treatment with paternal or non paternal leukocytes. Ann Immunol (Inst Pasteur) 1987.
- Beer A.E., Quebbeman J.F. and Zhu X.: Nonpaternal leukocyte immunization in women previously immunized with paternal leukocytes: Immune responses and subsequent pregnancy outcome. in Reproductive Immunology 1986, D. A. Clark and B.A. Croy (eds.), Elsevier Science Publications, Amsterdam p 261-268, 1987.
- Davidson, B.N. Rayburn W.F., Bishop, R.C., Fleming W.P., and Beer, A.E.: Immunoglobulin therapy for autoimmune thrombocytopenia purpura during pregnancy. A report of two cases. J. Reprod. Med. Vol 32. No.2 107-109, February 1987.
- Beer A.E.: Immunology of Reproduction (Chapter 15) in Immunological Diseases 4th edition Max Samter (ed.), Little, Brown and Company, 329-360, 1988.
- Beer AE: Immunology of normal pregnancy and immunopathological factors in recurrent spontaneous abortion. In Seminars in Reproductive Endocrinology. L. Speroff and M.J. Novy eds. Thieme Inc., New York Vol. 6, Number 2 163-180,1988.
- Beer, AE: Pregnancy outcome in couples with recurrent abortions following immunological evaluation and therapy. In Early Pregnancy Loss Mechanisms and Treatment, edited by R.W.. Beard, F. Sharp. London, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1988.
- Beer AE: Immunotherapy in reproductive disorders. In “Immunology and Medicine “Immunology of Pregnancy. G. Reeves and C. Stern eds. Kluwer Academ Publishers, 165-195, 1989.
- Beer, Alan E.: Immunology, Contraception, and Preeclampsia JAMA, Vol 262, No. 22 pg.3184 December 8, 1989.
- Gilman-Sachs, A., Luo, S-P., Beer, A.E., and Beaman, K.: Identification of cytometric analysis or microlymphocytotoxicity in women with recurrent spontaneous abortion immunized with paternal leukocytes. J. Clin. Lab. Immunol., 30: 53-59, 1989.
- Gilman-Sachs, A., Harris, D., Beer, A.E. and Beaman, K.: Inhibition of percentages of paternal CD3 lymphocytes by antilymphocytic antibodies in women immunized with mononuclear cells to prevent spontaneous abortion. Journal of Reproductive Immunology Vol. 17, No. 1 41-51 March, 1990.
- Beer, AE: Pregnancy outcome and pediatric complications in couples with recurrent abortions following immunological evaluation and therapy. In: Die gestorte Fruhscwangerschaft Immunologischer, humangenetischer und andrologischer Aspeckt. Tinneberg and Hirsch eds. Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart . New York, 3-16, 1990
- Beer, AE, Kwak, JYH: What is the evidence for immunologic pregnancy loss?: lymphocyte immunization the supportive view. In: Mowbray JF, Chaoaut G, eds. Molecular and cellular biology of maternal-fetal relationship. Paris: Inserm Libbey, 285-295, 1991.
- Reed, E., Beer, A.E., King, D.W. and Suciu-Foca, N.: The alloantibody response of pregnant women and its suppression by soluble HLA antigens and anti- idiotypic antibodies. J. Reprod. Immunol. 103-113, Vol. 20, No. 2, July, 1991.
- Gilman-Sachs, A., Lubinski, J., Beer, A.E., Brend, S. and Beaman, K.: Patterns of antiphospholipid specificities in patients with thrombocytic related disorders. J. Clin. Lab. Immunol; 35 83-88, 1991.
- Kwak, J.Y.H., Gilman-Sachs, A., Beaman, K.D., and Beer, A.: Reproductive outcome in women with recurrent spontaneous abortions of alloimmune and autoimmune etiologies; pre vs post conception treatment. Am J Obstet Gynecol; 166 No. 6, 1975-1987, 1992.
- Kwak, J.Y.H., Gilman-Sachs, A., Beaman, K.D., and Beer, A.E.: Autoantibodies in women with primary recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA) of unknown etiology. J. Reprod. Immunol. 15-31, Vol. 21, 1992.
- Galstian, A., Beer, A.E., Roberts, J.M., Coulam, C.B. and Faulk, W.P.: Immunology of Preeclampsia. In: Immunological Obstetrics, Coulam, Faulk and McIntyre, W.W. Editors, Norton & Company Publishers. 502-517, 1992.
- Beer, A.E., Kwak, J.Y.H., Beaman, K.D. and Gilman-Sachs: Antiphospholipid antibodies in women with recurrent pregnancy losses: Elicitation, expression and therapy. In: Reproductive Immunology. Dondero and Johnson Editors. Serono Symposia Publications from Raven Press Vol. 97, 265-272. 1993.
- Bahar AM, Kwak JYH, Beer AE, Kim JH, Nelson LA, Beaman KD, Gilman- Sachs A.: Antibodies to phospholipids and nuclear antigens in non-pregnant women with unexplained spontaneous recurrent abortions. J. Reprod Immunol 24, 213-222 1993 .
- Lubinski J, Vrdoljak VJ, Beaman KD, Kwak JYH, Beer AE, Gilman-Sachs A: Characterization of antibodies induced by paternal lymphocyte immunization in couples with recurrent spontaneous abortion. J Reprod Immunol 24;81-96 1993.
- Ober C, Steck T, van der Ven K, Billstrand C, Messer L, Kwak J, Beaman, K, Beer A: MHC Class II compatibility in aborted fetuses and term infants of couples with recurrent spontaneous abortion. J Reprod Immunol 25, No.3;195- 207, 1993.
- Nichols TC, Kang, J-A, Angkachatchai V, Beer AE, Beaman KD: Expression of a membrane form of the pregnancy associated protein TJ6 on lymphocytes. Cellular Immunology 154, 1994.
- Kwak JYH, Barini R, Gilman-Sachs A, Beaman KD and Beer AE: Down regulation of maternal antiphospholipid antibodies during early pregnancy and pregnancy outcome. Am J Obstet Gynecol 171, 239-246, 1994.
- Beer A, Kwak, JYH, Ruiz, JE: The biological basis of passage of fetal cellular material into the maternal circulation. In: Fetal cells in maternal blood: Prospects for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis. Annals New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 731; 21-36, 1994.
- Petrovic O, Gudelj L Rubesa G, Haller H, Beer A, Rukavina D: Decidual- trophoblast interactions: Decidual lymphoid cell function in normal, anembryonic, missed abortion and ectopic human pregnancy. J. Reprod. Immunol, 26:217-231,1994.
- Kwak JYH, Beer A, Cubillos J, Sandoval P, Mendoza JC and Espinel F: Biological basis of fetoplacental antigenic determinants in the induction of the antiphospholipid antibody syndrome and recurrent pregnancy loss. In: Fetal cells in maternal blood: Prospects for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis. Annals New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 731 242-245, 1994.
- Beer, Alan E. and Kwak, J.: Recurrent Spontaneous Abortions Immunological Evaluation. EJ Quilligan and FP Zuspan eds. Current Therapy in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 4th Edition of W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, 300 – 306, 1994.
- Beer AE, Kwak JYH, Gilman-Sachs A, Beaman, KD: New horizons in the evaluation and treatment of recurrent pregnancy loss. Serono Symposium Immunobiology of Reproduction, Springer-Verlag, 316 – 334,1994.
- Rubesa G, Beaman KD, Lucin P, Beer AE and Rukavina D: Expression of TJ6 protein in the human first trimester decidual lymphocytes. Regional Immunology Vol. 6 331-333, 1994.
- Ruiz JE, Cubillos J, Mendoza JC, Espinel FJ, Kwak JYH and Beer AE: Autoantibodies to phospholipids and nuclear antigens in non-pregnant and pregnant Colombian women with recurrent spontaneous abortions. J. Reprod. Immunol., 28 41-51, 1995.
- Beer A, Kwak JYH, Ruiz J: Reproductive Immunology in: “Principles and Practice of Clinical Immunology” Editors: Rich, Fleisher, Schwartz, Shearer, Strober, Mosby Publishers, Chapter 101, 1537-1550, 1995.
- Kwak JYH, Quilty EA, Gilman-Sachs A, Beaman KD and Beer AE: Intravenous immunoglobulin infusion therapy in women with recurrent spontaneous abortions of immune etiologies. J. Reprod. Immunol., 28 175-188, 1995.
- Kwak JYH, Beaman KD, Gilman-Sachs A, Ruiz J, Shewitz D and Beer AE: Up- regulated expression of CD56+, CD56+/CD16+, and CD19+ cells in peripheral blood lymphocytes in women with recurrent pregnancy losses. Clin. Imm. Newsletter, Vol. 15, Number 2/3, 17-22, 1995.
- Gilman-Sachs A, Kwak-Kim J, Beer AE and Beaman KD: Reproductive immunology: Laboratory tests for analysis of recurrent spontaneous abortion. Clin. Imm. Newsletter, Vol. 15, Number 2/3, 23-26, 1995.
- Beaman KD, Beer AE, Kwak JYH, Gilman-Sachs A: Immunologic evaluation of women with recurrent spontaneous abortion of putative immunological origin. Immunopathology Vol. 19, No. 5, 63-67, 1995.
- Steck T, van der Ven K, Kwak J, Beer A and Ober C: HLA-DQA1 and HLA- DQB1 haplotypes in aborted fetuses and couples with recurrent spontaneous abortion. J. of Reprod. Imm. 29, 95-104, 1995.
- Kwak JYH, Beaman KD, Gilman-Sachs A, Ruiz JE, Schewitz D and Beer AE: Up-regulated expression of CD56+, CD56+/CD16+ and CD19+ cells in peripheral blood lymphocytes in pregnant women with recurrent pregnancy losses. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 34:93-99, 1995.
- Barini R, Kwak-Kim JYH, and Beer AE: Chapter 128 Immunologia da Reproducao in Obstetricia Basica_Bussamara Neme; Sarvier pubs. Pgs. 938-935, 1995.
- Engemann KJ, Beer AE, Kwak JYH and Gruber L: Analysis of health insurance cover for reproductive immunology Human Reproduction Vol. 11 72-76, 1996.
- Rubesa G, Beaman KD, Beer AE, Haller H and Rukavina D: Expression of membrane form of the pregnancy associated protein TJ6 on decidual lymphocytes in the first trimester of pregnancy. J Reprod Immunology 30 17-27, 1996.
- Beer AE, Kwak JYH, Ruiz JE: Immunophenotypic profiles of peripheral blood lymphocytes in women with recurrent pregnancy losses and in infertile women with multiple failed in vitro fertilization cycles. Am J Reprod Imm., 35:376-382 1996.
- Ruiz AM, Kwak JYH, Beer AE: Impact of age on reproductive outcome in women with recurrent spontaneous abortions and infertility of immune etiology. Am J Reprod Imm., 35:408-414, 1996.
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- Kwak, JYH, Gilman-Sachs, A, Moretti, M, Beaman, K and Beer, AE: Natural Killer cell cytotoxicity and paternal lymphocyte immunization in women with recurrent spontaneous abortions. Submitted to Biology of Reproduction, 1997.
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- Beer, AE and Kwak, JYH: “Immunology of Normal Pregnancy”: Chapter for Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America for May, 1998 publication.
- Beer, AE and Kwak, JYH: “Assessment of antiphospholipid antibodies in IVF – Relevance to incidence and success rates”. ART: State of the Art, Serono Pubs. Symposia, Springer-Verlag, NY, Eds. Rosenwaks, Marrs and Trounson.
- Beer, AE and Kwak, JYH: “Intravenous immunoglobulin G (IVIG) Dream or reality”. ART: State of the Art, Serono Pubs. Symposia, Springer-Verlag, NY, Eds. Rosenwaks, Marrs and Trounson.